Co je to pasport stavby a kdy ho potřebujete? plánujete rekonstrukci své nemovitosti, přístavbu nebo nástavbu a nemáte žádné podklady nebo podklady neodpovídají skutečnosti, bude pro vás potřebný pasport stavby. Tento dokument slouží jako podklad pro vypracování průkazu energetické náročnosti budovy a může také posloužit pro odstranění případných nesrovnalostí v katastru nemovitostí
Pokud plánujete rekonstrukci své nemovitosti, přístavbu nebo nástavbu a nemáte žádné podklady nebo podklady neodpovídají skutečnosti, bude pro vás potřebný pasport stavby. Tento dokument slouží jako podklad pro vypracování průkazu energetické náročnosti budovy a může také posloužit pro odstranění případných nesrovnalostí v katastru nemovitostí při digitalizaci obcí.
Proč je pasport stavby důležitý při prodeji nemovitosti?
Pokud prodáváte svou nemovitost, měli byste novému majiteli předat veškerou dokumentaci. Pokud se jedná o starý dům, ke kterému se dokumentace nedochovala, je vhodné nechat zhotovit pasportizaci stavby. Pasport stavby se hodí také při žádosti o různé dotace, například na zateplení nebo změnu zdroje vytápění z evropských nebo národních fondů.
Pasportizace stavby se dělá i v případě, že se k objektu dochovala původní dokumentace, ale její obsah neodpovídá skutečnému aktuálnímu stavu nemovitosti. V takovém případě je nutné vytvořit nový pasport stavby, který bude odpovídat současnému stavu nemovitosti.
Kolik stojí vypracování pasportu stavby a jak se cena určuje?
Ceny za vypracování pasportu se odvíjejí hlavně od zastavěné plochy a komplikovanosti stavby. Podle stupně náročnosti jsou stavby rozděleny do čtyř kategorií a pro zatřídění je rozhodující, jestli je půdorys jednoduchý, složitý, pravidelný nebo nepravidelný. V závislosti na zatřídění do patřičné kategorie a zastavěné ploše všech podlaží se odvíjí výpočet ceny pasportizace. Zpravidla platí, že čím větší je plocha nemovitosti, tím nižší je cena za 1 m² pasportované plochy.
Ceny za pasportizaci nejsou stanoveny zákonem, a proto si každý projektant může určit svoji cenu. Pokud chcete vědět, kolik vás bude pasport vašeho domu stát, je nutné, aby se projektant se stavbou osobně seznámil. U jednodušších objektů může být dostačujícím vodítkem pro stanovení ceny fotodokumentace s pod
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Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs.veronikajeri who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told Mrs.veronikajeri that I will recommend her and to many friends, you can contact her at the email address:Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs.Katerina who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told Mrs.Katerina that I will recommend her and to many friends, you can contact her at the email address:Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs.veronikajeri who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told Mrs.veronikajeri that I will recommend her and to many friends, you can contact her at the email
Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs. veronikajeri who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told Mrs. veronikajeri that I will recommend her and to many friends, you can contact her at the email address: Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs. Katerina who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told Mrs.Katerina that I will recommend her and to many friends, you can contact her at the email address:Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs. veronikajeri who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told
Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs. veronikajeri who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told Mrs. veronikajeri that I will recommend her and to many friends, you can contact her at the email address: Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs. Katerina who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told Mrs. Katerina that I will recommend her and to many friends, you can contact her at the email address:Opportunities are very rare these days due to the high level of spam on the internet, but when we find ones that are legitimate, we should share their good deeds to prevent people from becoming victims of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this loan provider Mrs. veronikajeri who gave her the best loan, I took a risk and contacted her, after submitting all the required I was shocked when I received 500,000 CZK, in my account, I was so impressed and told Mr..